Good Morning Cali

Jean L.
on 10/9/08 9:53 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Well I am gonna say good morning here and I wonder if Janine is writing at the same time as I am.  Hmmmmmmm 

Anyhoo - not much exciting going on with me - just holding steady - I am working another Estate Sale for my friend today, tomorrow and Sunday so that will put a little extra cashola in my pocket.  I am not even gonna try to do a Janine shout out here - but just want to say congrats to Katt on Landing that job - WTG girl. 

So whats on everyone's agenda for the weekend?  Lots of fun stuff I hope.

Have a great friday everyone - won't be on here much over the weekend as I will be gone so much -

Big hugs to all.....
Janine J.
on 10/9/08 10:31 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Hey Pretty Lady in Pink!!! Glad you started the morning post! I am on a serious life deprivation again and do not know if I am coming or going. I am sleeping though, but when you put in 13 hour days...that will do it to you and I have been doing that for the last few days!

The mural is coming along good. I have more than half of the desert floor done now and hope to knock a big chunk of it out tomorrow as I plan on working the whole day!

Then after that....I am going to go dowtown as it is Bike Weekend in Palm it that it is going to be on the main drag of the town. The news said this morning that downtown Palm Canyon will be closed off from 8 this morning until 5 Sunday evening...woohoo...bikers and brawls (only kidding about the brawls!).

Sunday I am NOT going to work because I am going with my grandchildren to the pumpkin patch and then on to Miss Ava getting her ears pierced!

Yep that is right if you are wondering...Miss Ava has been discharged from wearing her helmut and she is no longer a patient in Loma Linda!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!! She is looking awesome and you would never know she had an inbalance in her head due to the muscle problems. BTW...Mr. Hunterpants does not need a helmut either. His parents have worked with him so much stretching the muscles in his neck and the fact that he is very helmut for Hunter!

I was observed yesterday by the AP who in previous years has hated me and now is trying to make nice....well get this...she sent me an email a few hours later and thanked me for letting her come into my classroom and said I did a great job! Shocked you bet, but I wrote her back and told her I really appreciated the email from her and that she was the first administrater who had ever done cool...but I am still watching my back LOL!

I am not even going to pretend I have read the boards as I have NOT....but I do know that Missy Katt got a job and a HUGE congratulations to you Katt....I am sure not too soon!

Anyone know how Monica is??????

Well stop reading and start posting gang....Jean thanks again my friend for posting....and all you lurkers...get on the board and at least just say hi....VICKI????CHRIS?????SUE???? and all you other wonderful people!!!


Love you guys!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 10/9/08 11:02 pm - CA
good morning cali crew..
i've been doing ok.. this is my daugthers bday weekend .. she's turning 8.. wow i stll remember when she was born...we are gonna have a costume party for her.. i just broke one of my teeth...that sucks  so now i have to go to the dentist today.. i'm just putting halloween decorations up this weekend hopefully the wind will die down... but i don't think so ...well that's it for me today.. i hope everyone has a awsome day...
on 10/9/08 11:12 pm - San Dimas, CA
Good morning Jean and Cali friends,

I am so glad it is Friday!!!  I have been in Reno for the past 6 days, came back to work yesterday and only working until 11:00 this morning!!!  My middle daughter is leaving tomorrow for Tennessee to visit my dad for a week and then Saturday were moving my yougest daughter and her baby this week end.  I just pray that this move will be good for her and she can find a job.  Other then that no plans for the weekend, but relaxation...Oh ya, I am also off work on Monday....a 3 day week end, yeppieeee!!!!

Oh, Janine I am glad your grandbabies don't have to wear those helmets any longer!!!!

Well, hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

on 10/9/08 11:16 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Everyone,
Well today is day one of orientation with the Sheriffs Department. From the schedule I got yesterday most of the month I am going to be stuck orientating in a class room. Not much time in the actual jail. I will find out all the nursing stuff on Monday. I was working 3-1130 or 12-830 so the alarm going off this morning was annoying, lol. I actual hit snooze twice and decided to exercize tonight. I just hope I dont fall asleep having to just sit in a room all day.
This weekend, well, no plans and no clue what I am going to do.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

Steve J.
on 10/9/08 11:17 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good TGIF Morning Jean and Cali Crew!

It's chilly and seems to have rained a bit here in the foothills overnight. What a change from three days ago. Must be fall in SoCal! Looking forward to a nice, cool weekend though I hear on the weather reports that Sister Santa Ana is scheduled for a visit Sunday and Monday. UGH! Well, it IS October and the Santa Anas come every year.... time to batton down the hatches I guess.

This afternoon I attend my poll training class at the Registrars office at 2. Then I will be ready to supervise my polling place in Highland on November 4th. Happy to be part of the process I am (said in my best Yoda voice!).

I suppose it is time to get a move on here and get ready for the day. Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a great TGIF Jean. Make slots of money at the estate sale lady!


(deactivated member)
on 10/9/08 11:24 pm - Palmdale, CA
Good MOrning Jean and all,
Today I am not working.  I Am taking the day off and I am going out to see my Dad and his girlfriend.  My sons girlfriend is going to go with me.  Tonight I think that I am going to go to one of the high school football games it should be fun.  Tomorrow my hubby and I are loading the bikes on the back of the car and head down toLong Beach for the marathon and bike tour.  I am really looking forward to that.  We are riding on Sunday. This year I am really excited about it.  My hubby refused to particiapte last year and this year he has a new bike and is riding the 26 miles too. 
Yesterday I asked for some prayers finger crossing or whatever.  My son who got his phlebotomy certificate had an interview this week they called him today back for a second interview.  There are 4 jobs with 9 people who applied.  So please keep him in your thoughts again and he needs a job with benefits and he really want this job.
My daughter went to see the Ear Nose and Throat Dr yesterday for the mass she has had in her neck and a problem with her nose.  They are going to remove the mass in probably the next 2 weeks.  Then she looked at her nose which Lindsey had been complaining of hurting and trouble breathing through well she needs to have it fixed too.  So that will probably be just before or just after Christmas.
So now I am getting ready to take the dog for a walk and then start my day running.
Have a great day one and all.
Marathon Diva
on 10/10/08 12:01 am - CA
Happy TGIF Jean & The Beautiful Cali Crew

Today is gonna be another hectic one for me.  At least I get to go to Family Friday with my kids and boyfriend tonight to enjoy pizza, popcorn and a movie (I won't really be doing the pizza/popcorn thingy).

Have a great and safe TGIF everyone!!


 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


(deactivated member)
on 10/10/08 12:52 am - Vacaytown, HI
Well the week went by fast.  I really dont have an agenda for the weekend.  Thats a good thing...come what may.  Hope everyone has a fun and relaxing one!! Jess
on 10/10/08 12:54 am - Los Angeles, CA
Happy Friday Cali,

Janine- I am glad those grandbabies of yours don't have to wear the helmets anymore.  Yeah! 

Saturday, I am going to the Expo in Long Beach.  They have a lot of cool speakers (re: running) that are lined up.  Sunday, the big day, LONG BEACH HALF MARATHON.  Please pray for me that I survive.  I have been training, but this is the scariest thing.  I know once I fini**** will be the most wonderful accomplishment (second to wls).

Everyone have a great day and a slow weekend.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

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